Dawn’s Bio

Dawn Feneht in Ireland
Dawn Feneht in Ireland

I started my initiation into Energy Healing and began practicing Shamanism after 27 years of Nursing. I left my practice as an RN for a deeper search into the mysteries of Healing & the Sacred. With my soul mate, I was allowed to explore different avenues of Energy Healing and I met people in complementary healing modalities. Exploring these different paths led me into Shamanism, ritual & community.

I began training as a Reiki Master in 1991 and Crystal Healer in 1993. In 1990, I began attending Shamanic drumming circles & taking courses from the Michael Harner Shamanic Foundation. I opened my Shamanic healing practice in 1993 after years of working with others in classes & drumming circles. I was a coordinator & facilitator for 8 years for the Madison Shamanic Drumming Circle from 1995 – 2003. I facilitate healing with people, animals, houses, offices & Mother Earth.

I am a Mesa Carrier of the Inca tradition. To this day, I continue taking Shamanic & other trainings to increase my knowledge to assist me & my clients in their healing.

My Goal as a Healer is to Teach you to find the Master Within “Empowering You to Fly”.

I was led to Shamanism through my inner Spiritual knowing, my real & Spirit teachers and friends. Shamanism is not a religion and religious beliefs do not interfere with Shamanism.  Shamanism is a way of life that is ancient in its healing traditions.

To practice Shamanism, I needed to relinquish my ego; sorting through my internal baggage, releasing it and thus be an open vessel to receive higher consciousness messages which come from the Spirit World of my guides, teachers and power animals.

I had many wounded issues from my family, issues I had created & others that were created for me. There were imprints in my Ancestral lineage & I consciously knew I was the one to break them & heal my lineage. My greatest place to release & work through them was in Nature. There I felt a Oneness & Peace with the Universe ! I facilitated releasing the old patterns & imprints in classes & with others but my biggest healer was Mother Earth !  She is still my greatest Teacher !

My greatest Joy is traveling to Sacred sites in Mexico ( numerous sites 1996–2019 ), England, Peru, Egypt, Ireland, Guatemala, Honduras & the US. I have traveled to all of the above Sacred Sites with many Spiritual groups performing ceremonies & rituals plus releasing and activating earth energies to heal Mother Earth.

Shamanic Training

Intro Shamanic Teachings  – Myron Eshowsky, Michael Harner Shamanic Foundation

Peruvian Shamanism – 2 year Graduate program with Jaes Seis. Became a Mesa Carrier

Peruvian Shamanism – 1 year Training with Jose Luis Herrera.

Andean Cosmology – Adolfo Titito Condori, a Peruvian Altomisay.

Celtic Shamanism – Tom Cowan.

Shamanic Soul Retrieval – Sandra Ingerman, Michael Harner Shamanic Foundation.

Extraction Healing – Several teachers; My Spirit Guides, Sandy Ingerman, Jaes Seis

Spirit Releasement Training – Four different teachers; My Spirit Guides, Don Hood, Jaes Seis, & Betsy Bergstrom

Mayan Healer Knowledge – Star Moser-Johnson, Miguel Angel Vegara, Alejardra,  Hunbutz Men & Marte Trejo

Beginning & Advanced Depossession – Betsy Bergstrom.

Curse Removal – Betsy Bergstrom.

Ancestral Healing – Betsy Bergstrom.

House and Land Clearings – Intuitive info from my Spirit Guides initially, Betsy Bergstrom.

Animal Healings – Spirit taught me, I have worked with a donkey, horses, cats, dogs & birds over 2 decades.

Teaching and Counseling to Groups & Clients.

Ceremonies – end of life & after death training + other ceremonies and Rituals.

Drumming Circle with others 8 + years at the Tai Chi Center 1 -2 times a month

Other Energy Work

Reiki Master – Robert Thelfall-1st & 3rd Degree, Ranga Premaratna 2nd Degree

Crystal and Stone Healing – Melody, Diane Bloom

Other Education and Training

RN BSN (Nursing) + Certification as a School Nurse – UW Madison. LPN  MATC – Madison EMT – Stoughton Ambulance

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